Risk assessment

A risk assessment looks at what can cause harm to people. It identifies if measures are adequate, or additional measures are required, to reduce injury and ill health.

Some risk assessments may be simple, for example, water spilled on the floor creating a slip hazard. Other risk assessments will be more complex, for example, the risks associated with handling activities.

Types of risk assessment

Generic risk assessment

This is an assessment of common hazards.

Examples of these hazards include:

Specific risk assessment

This is an assessment of high-risk work activities.

Examples of these activities include:

Dynamic risk assessment

A dynamic risk assessment assesses risk for employees in changing circumstances.

Examples include employees who:

A dynamic risk assessment is carried out informally. Issues identified must be addressed and reported to the manager.

Manager responsibilities

As a manager, you are responsible for:

Employee responsibilities

Employees have a responsibility for their own safety, health and welfare.

This includes reporting to their manager as soon as possible any:

Steps in the risk assessment process

  1. Identify the hazard. This includes physical, chemical, biological and psychosocial hazards
  2. Identify the risk associated with the hazard. Identify who might be harmed and how, where and when (ie risk description). This applies to visitors, contractors, staff, students and the public.
  3. Assess the risk, taking account of existing control measures and their effectiveness. Use the HSE risk assessment tool.
  4. Identify if any extra control measures are required.

Record the risk assessment

The results of the risk assessment must be recorded.

Monitor and review

Control measures must be evaluated regularly. This should be done through a monitoring and review system.

Risk assessments must be kept up to date and must be reviewed when there is:

Amend the risk assessment as necessary following the review.

It is best practice and HSE policy to review risk assessments at least annually.